Model Masjid in Bangladesh- বাংলাদেশের মডেল মসজিদ

Model Masjid in Bangladesh – A Phenomenal Initiative by Bangladesh” – Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi briefs the journalists in reputed newspapers in Pakistan



Karachi, 22 April 2023:

Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh in Karachi S. M. Mahbubul Alam briefed the journalists of different reputed newspapers in Pakistan on “Model Masjid in Bangladesh – A Phenomenal Initiative by Bangladesh”. The Journalists were from The Daily News Lark, The Daily Business Recorder, The Daily Regional Times,

The Daily AZB, The Daily National Courier, The Daily Dunia, the Daily GEO TV News and The Daily Pakistan Observer.

Deputy High Commissioner heighted that the Government of Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina has been constructing a total of 564 “Model Masjid and Islamic Cultural Centers” at a cost of around US Dollar One Billion all over the country. The Model Masjid and the Islamic

Cultural Centers are being built at all the Divisional, District, and Upazilla (Sub –District) levels across the country.

He further outlined that out of total 564 Model Masjid,

a total of 200 are already completed and inaugurated. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated 50 mosques each in four different phases. The first phase was on June 10, 2021, the second phase was on January 16, 2023, the third phase on was on March 16, 2023 and the forth phase was on 17 April 2023.

In each phase Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina opened 50 Model Masjid at different corners and parts of Bangladesh. The construction of the remaining model mosques and Islamic cultural centers is scheduled to be completed by June, 2024. Model Masjid in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi, Mr. S. M. Mahbubul Alam mentioned that Father of the Nation of Bangladesh Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was dedicated to the Islam – The religion of peace. Deputy High Commissioner highlighted different activities of the Father of the Nation for Islam such as establishment of Islamic Foundation,

bringing a ship for transportation of Hajj pilgrims, taking measure to organize Bishwa Ijtema in Bangladesh and land allocation in Tongi near Dhaka for it, giving land to Kakrail Mosque, the Markaz Masjid of Tablig and Baitul Muqarram –

the National Mosque, introduction of Quaran Telwat in BTV and Betar (Radio), announcing holiday on Eid-e-Miladunnabi and so forth. Being imbued with the great spirit of Islam and following the footsteps of – বাংলাদেশের মডেল মসজিদ

Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, her daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has come up with the idea of constructing 564 model mosques across the country.

Deputy High Commissioner further briefed the journalist that in the model masjid and Islamic cultural centers there will be separate places for ablution and Prayers with central air-condition systems. There will be registration and training arrangements for hajj pilgrims, Imam training center, research and Islamic library, autism corner, ritual system for burial, car parking facilities, hifazakhana, pre-primary education

and Holy Qur’an learning arrangement, conference room for Islamic Cultural activities and Islamic Dawwa, Islamic books sale center, boarding facilities for local and foreign guests in the model masjid complexes. The purpose of the project is to publicize Islamic brotherhood and its values as well as disseminate the essence of Islam.

The establishment of the model mosques will help and encourage people to follow the right path of Islam and understand the essence of Islam accurately. People will know more about the rights and responsibilities in Islam towards all segments of the society including men,

women, and children irrespective of caste, creed and religion and other relevant aspects of socio-economic and inclusive-developmental issues for all and related awareness, respects, and responsibilities.

Model Masjid in Bangladesh- বাংলাদেশের মডেল মসজিদ

Deputy High Commissioner further depicted that the Model Masjid and Islamic Cultural Centers are being built in three different categories. Under category A, some 69 four-storeyed mosques having the elevator facility and a floor space of 2,360.09 square meters each are being constructed in all the 64 districts and city corporation Headquarters in Bangladesh.

Under category B, 475 mosques are being built with a floor space of 1680.14 square meters each, while 16 mosques under C category in coastal areas will have a floor space of 2,052.12 square meters each.

Bangladesh is a Muslim majority and peace-loving country with practicing Muslims. Bangladesh is a country of communal harmony. Bangladesh believe in Islam, which teaches mankind to be tolerant towards other religions.

Everyone peacefully performs his/her own religion in Bangladesh, which is one of the fundamental principles of the Constitution of Bangladesh. Everyone performs their religious rituals keeping communal harmony in Bangladesh.

The Model Masjids will be the centers of Islamic excellence across Bangladesh.

Model Masjid in Bangladesh- বাংলাদেশের মডেল মসজিদ

The Deputy High Commissioner requested the reputed journalists to publish stories in their renowned newspapers on the “Model Masjid in Bangladesh – A Phenomenal Initiative by Bangladesh”.

information from: ministry of foreign affairs


মসজিদের পরিচর্যা নিয়ে মহানবী (সা.) বলেছেন

আবূ হুরাইরাহ (রাঃ) হতে বর্ণিত। তিনি বলেন, একবার এক বেদুঈন মসজিদে প্রস্রাব করে দিলো। তখন লোকজন তাকে শাসন করার জন্য উত্তেজিত হয়ে পড়ল। রাসূলুল্লাহ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম তাদের বললেনঃ তোমরা তাকে ছেড়ে দাও এবং তার প্রস্রাবের উপর এক বালতি পানি অথবা একমাত্র পানি ঢেলে দাও। কারণ, তোমাদেরকে নম্র ব্যবহারকারী বানিয়ে পাঠানো হয়েছে, কঠোর ব্যবহারকারী হিসেবে পাঠানো হয়নি। 
(আধুনিক প্রকাশনী- ৫৬৮৮, ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন- ৫৫৮৫, বুখারি, হাদিস : ৬১২৮)